The CYPRUS TRIATHLON FEDERATION was founded in 1995 and is the National Federation for the sports of Triathlon, Duathlon, Aquathlon and all related Multisports in Cyprus.
Our aim is to offer the opportunity to as many young people as possible to get involved with these sports and our vision is to put Cyprus on the map of International Triathlon destinations either for training or competing in an event.
Cyprus Triathlon Federation is responsible for the administration of all aspects of the above sports such as:
1. Organisation of National Championships and qualifying events for the selection of the National team.
2. Organisation of training courses for athletes, coaches and officials.
3. Organisation seminars, presentations and support initiatives for the development and promotion of Triathlon, Duathlon, Aquathlon and all related Multisports in Cyprus.
4. Liaison with Cyprus Sports Organisation (CSO), Cyprus Olympic Committee (COC), World Triathlon and European Triathlon Union (ETU).
5. Supervise the Compliance with World Triathlon regulations.
6. International representation to World Triathlon and ETU.
Triathlon (swimming, biking, running)
Long Distance Triathlon
Middle Distance Triathlon
Triathlon Standard distance (Olympic Event)
Triathlon Sprint distance
Triathlon Super Sprint and shorter distances
Triathlon in Qualifying Round format
Triathlon in Time Trial Qualifying Round format
Triathlon in Eliminator Format
Triathlon Team Relay
Triathlon Mixed Relay (Olympic Event)
Duathlon (running, biking, running)
Long Distance Duathlon
Middle Distance Duathlon
Duathlon Standard distance
Duathlon Sprint distance
Duathlon Super Sprint and shorter distances.
Duathlon Team Relay
Duathlon Mixed Team Relay
Aquathlon (running, swimming, running)
Aquathlon in any distance
Winter Triathlon (running, mountain biking, cross-country skiing)
Winter Triathlon in any distance
Winter Triathlon Team Relay
Winter Triathlon Mixed Team Relay
S3 Winter Triathlon (running, skating, cross-country skiing)
S3 Winter Triathlon in any distance
Winter Duathlon (running and cross-country skiing)
Winter Duathlon in any distance
Cross Triathlon (swimming, mountain biking (MTB), cross-country running)
Cross Triathlon in any distance
Cross Duathlon (cross-country running, mountain biking (MTB), cross country running)
Cross Duathlon in any distance
Aquabike (swimming, biking)
Aquabike in any distance
Arena Games
Indoor Arena Games
Outdoor Arena Games
Indoor Triathlon
Indoor Triathlon in any distance
Swim & Run (swimming, running)
Swim & Run in any distance